Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Feministe- In defense of the sanctimonious women's studies set.
This week’s blog that we are going to take a look at is called Feministe. Feministe is a very active and analytical blog made up of a community of people interested in women’s right and the way women are viewed in society today. The main posts are made up of eleven female writers who post various ads, political cartoons and prose, and then analyze its effect on society. Anyone and everyone can comment on their posts, and indeed many people do. What types of people are commenting on these posts? Are their comments and interactions with each other productive or not? Why? What do you think the intent of this blog is?
-Holly, Noelle, and Justin


  1. I feel as though the blog Feministe addresses many controversial issues. Even though some of these views might not be "politically correct" this blog shows how many different views are out there. Proving my point on the lack of political correctness is the logo of the blog itself.
    What do you think the logo is trying to convey?
    Are there any other items on the blog that you consider especially controversial?

  2. I found it interesting how the writers provide posts called FNTT's (Feministe's Next Top Troll) where the feminists mock and vote for the most negative comments posted on the site. I also noticed the blog provides many strong views and opinions toward other controversial topics such as homosexuality, abortions, rape, etc.

  3. Some of the posts just seem to be angry lash outs. This is a problem I have with every blog, make a well formed argument not a rant. And the long article on the first page was a little...messed up. Apparently he thinks all guys are sex addicts? We're not all that messed up. The bloggers sure found a messed up guy

  4. This blog is very interesting. After reading the post about Pickup Artists and then shuffling through the comments, I quickly came to the conclusion this was a women blog against men. Not so fast to judge, after I read the next article about a lady's guide to pregnancy, my first assumption changed. In that article, the writer mocked the actions of pregnant women. This is not a blog about women vs men, but about women vs society's view of women. The topics seem to concentrate on social views from various perspectives: women, men, and the media.

    The articles are written in an almost hostile manner to inflict emotion in the readers, which I can say it certainly does. This blog's writing is entertaining to read because of the attitude which accompanies every word.

    The audience that comments is quite diverse. I read comments from both men and women, and most are well thought out arguments to the article. This is significant because this blog seems to be a place where emotions can be stirred up, but then allows readers to feel free to voice their view right away.

  5. In this blog there is so much sarcasm sometimes it is unclear when it is being used and when it isn't. I am a frequent user of sarcams, so as a reader I found it hilarious! I was of course confused at times and forced to reread certain portions just to be clear of the message.

  6. I did not like this blog. I am a woman and I feel like these women take things a lot more personally than they should. I can understand why a pregnant woman at a bar might be a red flag to some people. I understand being asked to leave might be a little rude and unnecessary, but I'm sure a bar, assuming it's full of intoxicated people and smoke, might not be the best place for a pregnant woman to hang out. Although most of these topics, were a stab at something controversial, many of the people commenting seemed to be supportive and share the same thoughts as the writers. I think the intent of this blog is honestly just to vent and share random news with other women.

  7. I found this blog to be quite interesting. It is obviously written to get people to talk and even argue, but I found it entertaining. The article under the title " Meet the Foreskin Restoration Movement" was a good read and even moreseo, the responders. A lot of the responders were men who were talking about their manhood and how they felt about not being circumcised and the woman's point of view of an uncircumcised penis. So even though this blog is called Feministe its great that some things are geared towards men, and that they participate.
    The other article that interested me was "Pregnant woman kicked out of a bar for being pregnant". In this article, it was clear to see what side they were on. The way the article was written was a little harsh and it seemed like they didn't care to understand the bouncers side of the story. The people who commented were just as bad. Though they have valid points, they just went off on the whole gender discrimination and "pregnant women have rights too!!" points
    But all and all I can really appreciate this blog. I spent maybe 30 mins looking throughout the blog and at the interesting articles -- not bad !

  8. Some of the articles in this blog seem to focus only on the female point of view and does not take an initiative to understand what maybe going on in the guy's head. Some of the articles have been uploaded, out of context so that it seems that the original creators of those articles were trying to make women the victims.
    Many of the comments were valid points about how women are treated even today, while the others were men telling the creators of this blog to stop finding faults when there are none.
    All in all this blog seems to want to show that women are always the victims of mans cruelty, even though that isn't the case most of the time.

  9. I thought the logo on top of the blog was really interesting. It shows a little girl holding a shotgun with a smile on the girl's face. This is a powerful image because in our history woman usually are not holding guns. This kind of sets the mood of the blog because it is showing how women should not be looked at differently than men. Just based on the title and the logo I can assume that this blog is about women in today's society.

  10. I thought that this was a very interesting blog because even though it is focused on one sex it discusses a lot of issues that both men and women and have an opinion on. I really enjoyed reading about both sides of each argument, I though some had more valid points than others, but maybe that's just my opinion. I thought it was interesting to read about the abortions. It is clearly something that is heavily debated by both men and women and it was a good read because it was not only enjoyable but educational as well. It offered good advice for many women who may end up in that situation. I also really like the article about the woman being kicked out of the bar because she was pregnant, it is not something that one would think would happen in today's society but it clearly did and it was good to hear both sides of the story about it. Although this article may appear to be only for women at first (and it mainly seems that way) but it does have a place where men can voice their opinions. I think that the intent of the blog is just to get people thinking about women and where they still seem to fall in society and the problems/challenges that they go through, I really enjoyed browsing this blog.

  11. All types of people are commenting on these posts- that's why so much banter is going on- because everyone seems to have varying opinions.
    Productive or not, they always seem to be humorous and intelligent.
    This blog seems to be obviously a blog about women for women...and apparently to strike up controversy.

  12. It is funny bolg, I either like it or dilike it. I found it funny because I don't see such bolgs that often in Asian and Scandinavian, auch as "foreskin" thing. women have the rights to speak out their opinions and there're also men's comment of it, so I would like to say it is dialectical. But what I don't like it because some topics is radical and so much personal, I might the worst in the bolg,such as the bas issue, I agreed about about with Brittany, bar is not a place for pregnant woman to hang out.
    And compare to the bolg upload last week, it is kind of broing, more video will be much better.

  13. Even though this blog's title "Feministe" shows that this blog favors women, I found this blog somewhat aggresive, offensive, and sometimes does not make any well-reasoned argument despite me being male. I sometimes got offended while i was reading some of it's posts. I think this blog has a lot of sarcastic voice but i am not sure if they are really sarcasm or not. Even though I like the fact that this blog contains a lot of female points of view, which is hard to find in the region I come from, I think this blog restricts its target audiences to women by completely igonoring male point of view on some of its posts.

  14. After I look through this blog, i was not really fun. Some of the posts have really offence view about the guys. For me, the blogger try to make post issuable and arguable but felt the posts are very one sided. Blogger should know what the definition of the feminism is.

  15. This blog is named feministe. And it talks mostly about feminist. Though I am female, I am not very interested in it. I think it is because there are more words in this blog rather than pictures and videos.

  16. It is a blog with women's words and thoughts, as it is called Feministe, I wonder because this was the first time for me to read the blog on Feminism, it was also impressed me a lot, I can feel the anger or all the other feelings, somehow everyone should think twice about this world, for the females, I got to know a lot of feminism knowledge after reading this.
